That’s not safe, it’s illegal.
There are dangers all around us. Hazardous fumes and chemicals, things we can’t see that have the potential to harm us. Then there is stuff we can see, sharp or heavy objects that can severally hurt us if we come in contact with them in the wrong way. All these dangers have at one point or another hurt someone. That is why we call them dangerous. I’m sure if you take a look around the room you are in, there is something that can be considered dangerous or harmful in some scenario. How can anyone feel safe with all these dangers around?
Safety, or being safe, is a relative term. What may seem dangerous to you, could be quite safe for someone with experience, knowledge, and skill. We can see evidence of this in how prevalent we caution those without experience. We live in a world full of warnings informing us about the dangers of this or that. These warnings are prominent, placed where we can easily see them, because society is trying to be helpful. Most all warnings, notices, cautions that are thrown in our faces are for companies who provide goods and services. These companies need to meet liability standards so they wont be held responsible if you experience an unsafe scenario while they provide you a good or service.
How does it start?
Anyone remember being a child and having a disagreement with another child? At some point you or the other child utters the words “that’s not fair”. In my opinion, It starts there, and for some it never ended.
The period between 1865 and 1900 saw the birth of independent regulatory commissions. Congress created these agencies to set rates and bring order into industry competition. The first of these so-called economic regulatory agencies was the Interstate Commerce Commission.
A Brief History of Administrative Government –
Regulatory agencies are established in response to persons or organizations who claim they suffered some damages from unfair competition. In the case of safety, regulatory agencies are trying to prevent someone from experiencing something dangerous. The regulatory agency creates an ordinance and is given power to enforce companies and individuals to not partake in what is deemed as dangerous.
Should safety be enforced?
There’s a place for this, it’s not a bad idea. I am sure OSHA has helped prevent many dangerous things from happening by taking a regulated and preventive approach. However, most people have some amount of common sense that helps them naturally avoid danger. Education and experience are how we learn about the dangers all around us. As we develop, our sense of danger becomes pretty instinctual. What really becomes dangerous are all the things we lack knowledge of. We are left with our common sense to keep us safe.
What is safety?
SA’FETY, noun
1828 Websters Dictionary
1. Freedom from danger or hazard; as the safety of an electrical experiment; the safety of a voyage.
I was not in safety nor had I rest. Job 3:26.
2. Exemption from hurt, injury or loss.
We crossed the Atlantic in safety
What is common sense?
Common sense, that power of the mind which, by a kind of instinct, or a short process of reasoning, perceives truth, the relation of things, cause and effect, etc. and hence enables the possessor to discern what is right, useful, expedient, or proper, and adopt the best means to accomplish his purpose. This power seems to be the gift of nature, improved by experience and observation.
1828 Websters Dictionary
When and where do we want safety to be regulated?
In recent and past political campaigns I have heard laws and regulations purposed on the basis of public safety. The idea is, if you think something is unsafe, or has the potential to be unsafe, that’s enough reason to make a law or regulation prohibiting the public from partaking in it. Those who propose these laws and regulations refer to them as common sense. If something is common sense, why would we need to establish ordinance around it? Should we make every common sense unsafe act illegal? No, the very fact it’s common sense should mean no law or regulation should be instituted. Are we incapable of discernment and making decisions for ourselves? If something is common sense, people would avoid it naturally.
Should your safety come before your freedom?
When a child is young, and learning about life, the child needs direction. The child has not developed enough common sense to avoid all the common dangers around him or her. The parents of that child need to restrict that child’s freedom of movement and access to the common household dangers. However, when this child reaches the end of his or her adolescence, those restrictions are no longer necessary. The now young adult is responsible for themself, and should have the right to make their own choices. At this point in their life, no one should inhibit their rights to do want they want, unless it’s unlawful. Even if they decide to take on mantles of responsibility that can be dangerous.
Do we have the right to do dangerous things?
Driving a car is probably the most dangerous mantle of responsibility in the United States. There is no recognized right to travel by motor vehicle. It’s a privilege as you are operating your vehicle on public roads maintained by the DOT, the United States Government. There is a long standing agreement between the people and the state to only operate a transportation vehicle after you have gone through the proper steps to obtain a license to drive. Through this process you demonstrate you have the knowledge and ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. However, we do not need a license to skateboard, bicycle, or cross the street. It is our right to have the freedom to move about and travel. This right is recognized in the Constitution and the Supreme Court. Regardless of any dangers, we have the right to travel.
Should people’s rights come before safety?
Yes. Your rights, your freedom, is paramount in relation to your safety. You should always do your best to be safe, and as an adult your common sense will always be your first response to evaluate the safety of a situation or action. I doubt anyone’s concern with safety is their driving force in life. Safety is only a guiding factor in reaching a goal, it is not the goal. Your rights may be challenged by safety, but it should always be permissible to overlook safety for the sake of your rights. Otherwise, it is not a right.
Some final words, getting to the point.
I’m not sure I’ve conveyed my intent on writing this post. The subject of safety is vast and applies to so much. I aim to communicate this point: if you want to exercise your rights and do something that others feel is dangerous, those others need to back off. It is no business of theirs while you have the right to do it. Don’t let your rights be made illegal because of public safety concerns. Pay attention to the bills being purposed in congress today. There’s a lot of language about public safety in bills that intend to take away your Constitutional rights. Fight back and let your Senators and Congress men and women know you want to protect our rights, and any bill they sign that aims to inhibit your rights will result in you not voting for them in the next election. Be safe, live free.