Start YouTube Live Streaming Today: A Simple Guide for Beginners

Have you ever wanted to share your thoughts, ideas, or talents with the world? Live streaming is a fun way to do just that! In this guide, I’ll explain how to set up a live stream using your MacBook, iPhone, and a few other tools. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it simple, so beginners can understand too. Let’s start streaming today!

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Defining the “Professional Homeowner”

Adam N' Pitch
Adam N' Pitch
Defining the "Professional Homeowner"

The second you read that you probably recognized the reference. If not, then you are likely an East Coast man… If that doesn’t expose my stan for @Wranglestar, I don’t know what else will. Yes, I just used “stan” in a sentence.

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Preparing For Intersession

EM Bounds teaches that Intersession is a form of prayer that is not for ones self, but for others. He also shares how we should be arriving to the prayer meeting already full and having been filled up in the presence of God that very morning. We should come ready.

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My EDC (Everyday Carry)

I remember when I was first asked “Do you EDC?”. I’m pretty sure it was phrased just like that. I was confused, slightly annoyed that someone asked me if I [acronym]. I reluctantly responded “What is EDC?”, to which the gentleman smiled and excitedly explained the acronym. All is forgiven, it turns out the gentleman who asked me was just a nerd.

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Guerrilla Warfare, In the Government?

Adam N' Pitch
Adam N' Pitch
Guerrilla Warfare, In the Government?

In the movie The Patriot, we are shown how Guerrilla warfare turned the tides against the British military. Ambushes, supply chain attacks, blockades. It’s all about breaking the rules of engagement. I’ve been following some policy changes with the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms agency) and how they are taking it upon themselves to reclassify items that have already been classified by established law, like the NFA (National Firearms Act) of 1934. Usually government Institutions must follow their laws and bi-laws or else oversight committees will penalize them and remove bad actors from the institution. Or will they?

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Public Confidence

Adam N' Pitch
Adam N' Pitch
Public Confidence

To whom, when, and where does public confidence matter? In the United States of America, We the People recognize our rights. Well, some of us do. Others have been educated poorly by the DOE (yes, I’m calling you out, public education system) and lack knowledge of history. There is also an evident lack of value in our God given rights. The Constitution of The United States and the first 10 amendments, the Bill of Rights, confirm our rights and freedom. These established documents aim to keep us free, and control our ever expanding government.

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