Episode 4 – Gamer Dads, Big Family, Pizza Robots, and Recording Gear

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In this podcast episode Adam and Pitch pickup where they left us last time. We talk about Dads, video games, the giant family of Jacob, Pizza robots, and recording gear. Thank you so much for listening!
- 00:18 – You need a place/shop/studio to DIY…
- 05:36 – Let’s talk about fun stuff, video games.
- 06:21 – Nintendo Land’s Mario Chase
- 08:13 – When your kids get better at games than you…
- 09:15 – Dad, the mythical creature…
- 09:44 – Adam plays Fortnite.
- 11:32 – More about being a Dad.
- 12:11 – Adam on family planning with God.
- 12:49 – Big families in the Bible.
- 13:29 – Joseph and his brothers grew into one of the biggest families to the point where Egypt was threatened they would be outnumbered by Joseph’s family, Israel. Egypt strategized the only way to control them, and not be overtaken by Israel, was to enslave them. Big families threaten institutions.
- 15:32 – Stats for children who are born out of wedlock. Interesting read: Fatherlessness and Its Effects on American Society
- 18:21 – Adam and Pitch revisit one of Pitch’s ventures, a Pizza shop, and talk about Pitch’s involvement with the business.
- 21:59 – Would a pizza hand-tossing robot put a New York style hand-toss pizza place out of business?
- 25:05 – Pitch’s brother is the pizza guru, gamer, and future guest?
- 25:53 – Gear talk/rambling…
- 28:22 – Stress, and what causes it for Adam.
- 29:09 – Crossing the finish line.
- 30:50 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7)