Defining the “Professional Homeowner”

Adam N' Pitch
Adam N' Pitch
Defining the "Professional Homeowner"

The second you read that you probably recognized the reference. If not, then you are likely an East Coast man… If that doesn’t expose my stan for @Wranglestar, I don’t know what else will. Yes, I just used “stan” in a sentence.

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From Streams to Rivers

Last night I was considering the social state of our society. I know God is present, but from the behavior of His people it doesn’t seem like we’re winning against the onslaught of evilness in the world. I feel like Christians should be affecting the balance of selfishness to selflessness. As in more programs, charities, apparent acts of love on freeways, highways, streets, businesses, schools, grocery stores, day and night. However, I’m not seeing it like that. 

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Overcoming Obstacles

Having been a while since I completed my last article, I was beginning to feel my new blog was a failure. My world as I knew it was fading away and I was being sucked into the abyss boredom and mediocrity. The day to day tasks were painting a gray lens over the world, and color was thing of the past. Contrast was dimming and the edges of light and darkness were fading into emptiness…

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